Provence & Côte d’Azur, southern France 10 - Nice

On Day 10 we were leaving Nice. We had a few hours in the morning until checkout and took the last walk to the beach. The clear sky came back and made the color of the sea marvelously blue.

Finally J joined me on the beach! Yay!!

We should remember to bring a swimsuit next time.  

It would have been very nice to watch the waves with J longer but our time was limited. Plus, it was getting hot under the sun. Bio Brod, the bakery we visited two days ago was going to open very soon. We said Good bye to the beach and headed to the bakery for breakfast. 

This time we were seated at their outside table. J got a savory pie and I had a croissant. J ordered two extra croissants to take home with us and asked the man at the casher to put those in a bag. The request seemed a little bit complicated. All croissants were brought to the table. I think we shouldn't eat more than one butter rich French croissant per day for health's sake. We asked for a bag again and the request was fulfilled at last. 

While we were walking back to our Airb&b, we passed in front of a familiar building - the Villa Masséna Musée. Au revoir!

We stopped by at another bakery, Boulangerie Roy Le Capitole, not for having the second breakfast but for getting some treats for the afternoon when we get home and a loaf bread for the next day. French pastries in France are simply different from those in Germany, if not, at least in Wiesbaden. To bring fresh authentic French pastries home would be privilege to travel to France. We wouldn't miss it!

Beautiful croissants!! There are, of course, croissants in Wiesbaden, but they aren't like these. Anyway, we had already had two croissants from Bio Brod and shouldn't get more. 

Instead, we bought a 'Pain aux Raisins' and a 'Pain a la Pistache' as well as a crusty loaf bread. 

The pastries travelled well and we enjoyed them with tea at home in the late afternoon. The 10 day trip was fantastic. Thank you J for driving a lot! There were many places that it would have been difficult to visit without the rental car. There are still more places in southern France that we haven't been to. Perhaps I would bring a sketchbook and a watercolor paint box with me in addition to a swimsuit next time. The picturesque, sun-kissed southern France inspired me! 

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