Futomaki & Tofu Veggie Soup

This was a Japanese meal - Futomaki and Tofu Veggie Soup, recreating a menu about nine month ago.

Futomaki is one of my favorite sushi role. This time, I rolled dried Shiitake mushroom, Koya Tofu (freeze-dried tofu), Tamago (egg), and spinach. I cooked Shiitake and Koya Tofu in a traditional Japanese way, pan-fied Tamago like making an omelet, and steamed spinach.
Rolling Futomaki is a fun part. Eating them is the best, of course.

For Tofu Veggie Soup, I simmered tofu, carrot and green bell pepper in homemade Japanese soup stock made with Konbu (kelp seaweed) and Katsuo-bushi (dried bonito flakes), seasoned with low-sodium soy sauce, Sake and Mirin, and thickened very slightly with corn starch. And just before eat, I sprinkled a Japanese spice mix, Sichimi-Togarashi (seven flavor chili pepper) over the soup.

So delicious - Oishikatta!

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