Beet-Colored Fresh Tube Pasta Carbonara with Peas

This was beet-colored fresh tube pasta Carbonara with peas.

We bought the beautiful purple pasta at Cucina Al Volo during our recent shopping at Union Market and kept in freezer. It was the time to cook! Actually the color of pasta looked a little less distinct. Freezing affected the color somehow? They still looked pretty, though.
According to J's request, I tossed the cooked pasta in homemade Carbonara sauce and peas. I adapted a new recipe for Carbonara sauce that I found somewhere online and made a small changes like adding a little garlic. Mixing peas was J's idea, imaging purple and green would beautifully contrast each other. He has an artistic vision!
The result was, well, unexpected. When I boiled the pasta, the purple color really faded out. Perhaps freezing the pasta did something with it? So, the visual result wasn't the best although the dish tasted very good. Rich creamy cheesy sauce, chewy pasta and fresh pea snap in the mouth. It was delicious. We were happy after all.

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