
These were Hamantaschen.

I adapted a recipe from Smitten Kitchen blog. The blog was talking about the pancaked-hamantaschen and strongly suggested sealing the corners well to avoid pancaking them. OK, I got it!

First I picked three kinds of fruit jams - strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry and golden fig.
And "Fold the dough in from three sides and firmly crimp the corners and give them a little twist to ensure they stay closed." I did!
Some kept their triangle shape although most of them had a more or less leakage problem. And there were some pancaked. I fully understand what the pancake means and why the blog said "hamantaschen pancakes are much harder to pack in a tin." I though I pinched the corners well, but apparently didn't. So, I started to make the second batch. I don't know why but the golden fig jam, which was the most expensive jam from Italy of the three, seemed to become pancakes easier than others. So I switched it with apricot jam while kept other two jams. Even, I tried to freeze the dough a little bit before baking. Then, I don't know why the result was the same: many leakages and some pancakes. Interestingly those with apricot jam, which was from Germany, tended to be pancakes. I have no idea if or how a type of jam changes the output. My jams were all different brands, prices, and flavors. The big question mark remains in my head. Good news was they were so tasty! J liked them too. So this experiment had a happy ending, I suppose.

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