Chilled Zenzai with Shiratama-Dango

This was chilled Zenzai with Shiratama-Dango.

It's a Japanese traditional sweet and usually not served as a breakfast, but why not? It was my dream breakfast! I cooked Zenzai, or stewed-&-sweetened little red beans (Azuki) day before and chilled it. Zenzai is usually served hot, which is my favorite winter treat, while chilled one is delightful for summer. I didn't have commercial rice cake, Mochi but had special rice powder that is to make Shiratama-Dango. They are a kind of Mochi and usually served chilled. So they were great as a topping for chilled Zenzai! I made two kinds of Shiratama-Dango: plain and Japanese green tea "Matcha" flavor. It was wonderfully delicious! I think this breakfast was healthy, too - oil-free, dairy-free, vegan, fiber-rich and vegetable-protein-rich. If J would like to join me, he would be always welcome. I don't think he would, though. That's fine. All Zenzai and Shiratama-Dango are mine!

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