Last Word

Our recent visit to Mount Grace Priory apparently inspired J to learn Carthusian monks and their secret garden, which led him to Chartreuse, a liquor that has been made by Carthusian Monks at La Grande Chartreuse, the head monastery of the Carthusian religious order, located in the Chartreuse Mountains of France since the 18th century. It is said that in 1764 the monastery's Apothecary completed the formula of the liquor based on an ancient manuscript, which was supposed to be a medicine of long life. Today Chartreuse is still made only by the monastery's monks; Only 2 Chartreuse Monks know the names of the 130 herbs and plants used to make the beautiful green liquor.

J enjoyed creating a cocktail called the Last Word with Chartreuse, gin,  Luxardo Maraschino, and fresh lime juice, garnishing with a Luxardo cherry.

By the way, the dinner of the day was Fettuccine with homemade zucchini and tomato sauce. Plus, beets, feta, tomato and lettuce salad. A feel-good vegetarian meal.   

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