Classic Lasagne

For our wedding anniversary dinner at home, I gave J three options: 1) classic lasagne, 2) baked salmon in foil, 3) tofu and carrot soup. Not so surprisingly, he chose the first one. I adopted two recipes: one that I found on Cookpad, the largest recipe site and cooking community in Japan and the other from my trusted Cooks Illustrated, mixing the two recipes and my ideas based on the ingredients I had. The result was meaty and creamy but somewhat lighter than a usual tomate-y, cheese-heavy version.

I was so glad that J liked the lasagne. Lucky him! The 8 x 8 inch size lasagne will be our three day meals. Let's see what he would say on Day 3. While I was cooking lasagne, a flower basket arrived home, which was a surprise gift from J. The pink-themed arranged flowers were very beautiful! It was so sweet of him. Thank you J!!

Happy Anniversary!

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