Waitrose Layered Summer Puddings

Summer puddings are one of many things I shall try during our stay here, England. Somehow I have't run into the traditional berry dessert at any restaurants we dined so far. Recently when I happened to see them on Waitrose online store, I immediately added one into my Waitrose online shopping cart. The product's description was "white bread pudding layered with blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackcurrants with a fruit puree sauce." It came with two individual puddings for two servings. Serving with whipped cream seems tradition. I strictly followed it. The pudding was wonderful. It tasted fresh, bright and pretty tart. I loved it very much. It's a berry season now. I could make my own summer puddings. However, thinking about collecting four different kinds of berries all at once and looking for a high-quality white bread, I might simply buy another one from Waitrose.

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