The Most Coconutty Coconut Cake

Certainly this was the most coconutty coconut cake that I have ever made. Generous amount of unsweetened desiccated coconut and coconut milk in the cake was the key. I partially adopted a recipe that I found online. I hope I remember which recipe it was and how I made the cake after all. At least I remember that it was an easy "one bowl" cake.

The cake was moist but a bit crumbly. I wished to serve it with a scoop of ice cream. There was no ice cream. Actually we haven't bought ice cream for a quite long time because maybe the temperature here is generally cool. Anyway I made Crème Anglaise. It's a classic French custard sauce that tastes just like vanilla ice cream. As the name means "English cream," I have seen commercial products of Crème Anglaise at a grocery store here, England. People here must like to pour the sauce over desserts.

I liked the combination of my coconut cake and Crème Anglaise although it wasn't J's preference. He suggested the cake would go well with something fruity and sour. Luckily I had some frozen fresh blueberries. I made blueberry sauce for the rest of the cake. I liked the combination of coconut and blueberry, too. Good idea! Thanks, J!

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