Stir-Fried Rice with Gammon Steak

Our first Gammon, Waitrose's Easy to Cook Honey Mustard Gammon was pretty good. For the next step, we bought thick slices of uncooked Gammon steaks. We pan-fried a couple of them for breakfast, serving with fried eggs. The steaks were terribly salty! While I almost lost interest in Gammon, J tried to give the rest of the steaks a chance. He suggested we should soak or boil them to reduce the saltiness and cooked them with something instead of eating as a standalone big steak. Following his idea, I soaked them in water overnight. Then, I diced, cooked and added them to our usual stir-fried rice. It was a success! I didn't taste them too salty. The rich pork dices provided a nice flavor and texture to the rice dish. Now we know how to handle uncooked Gammon steaks!

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