Panini from Caffe Lago di Como

There are several Italian or Italian-ish restaurants in Harrogate but I think Caffe Lago di Como is the only Italian caffe currently in the town. I have seen many good reviews about their true Italian coffee, but we haven't tried one yet. Instead, we have had a few kinds of hot panini freshly made in the open kitchen. One with Italian ham and cheese was absolutely delicious. One with roasted eggplant and pepper with pesto was tasty, too. One with spicy salami was too spicy for me but made J happy.
The cafe always has several "torte" on the counter. They are not decorative but simple "grandma's" types of homemade cakes. We tried some. My favorite so far is apple cinnamon cake.

Maybe it's the only place in the town you can be greeted by a friendly Italian signore in Italian. A little Italy in the town.

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