Blueberry Scones & Cinnamon Scones
I had a mission to bake scones for J's friend. I chose two kinds: classic blueberry and simple cinnamon. First I started making blueberry scones, following a recipe by Cooks Illustrated that I have adapted once a long time ago and remember the result was fine. However, something went wrong. The scones have spread out too much in the oven. Hmm. I tried to keep ingredients as cool as possible. I assume the scones had too much butter. Perhaps European butter has higher fat content than American, so I should have reduced the amount of butter that the American recipe called for.
So, when I make cinnamon scones, I used less butter. Plus, I reduced the time of folding-dough process. As the result, I saw some improvement but haven't reached an ideal output yet. Not only the shape but also the texture of both blueberry and cinnamon was somewhat different from what I expected. Actually both tasted fine, though. The problem was that they were like giant cookies, not scones. Since J won't have a chance to see his friend for a while, my timeline to deliver scones has been extended. By then, I hope I can nail down a proper recipe for fluffy tall buttery moist flavorful scones.