My Full English Breakfast with Yorkshire Brown Sauce

It was another time to indulge ourselves with full English breakfast at home! The chef was I again. This full breakfast had an accompany - Yorkshire Brown Sauce. I hadn't pay attention to brown sauce until I happened to see one on Bracken Hill's online shop while I was shopping marmalade for J. The minimum order of the shop was four jars. I chose two jars of marmalade and one of pickles. I needed one more something. Perhaps something savory for J. I found a brown sauce. HP is probably the most well-known brown sauce, but I remember that J had tried HP but hasn't shown much interest to it. He would choose American A1 sauce over HP. Maybe HP wasn't simply his taste. Maybe he would like Bracken Hill's brown sauce as he likes their pickles. With such positive thoughts, I decided to buy it anyway so that I could complete my order, hoping the sauce wouldn't taste like ketchup because ketchup is J's enemy. 

I am not sure whether he really liked the sauce or he was just polite, but he used the sauce for the full breakfast and commented something nice. I personally liked the sauce. I have never tasted HP, so I don't know Bracken Hill's was similar to HP. At least I could tell it wasn't like A1 or ketchup. Anyway, brown sauce seems to be very important as a traditional British food condiment, especially for breakfast. I am glad that our full-breakfast-at-home was served properly.

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