Celeriac, Sage & Chicken Risotto

Celeriac is rarely on my shopping list but a kind of root vegetable that I would like to be a friend with. It tastes like something between celery and turnip, but very mild and slightly sweet. The texture is crunchy when it's raw. I have made celeriac remoulade, a French classic dish a long time ago, and it was a good way to enjoy raw celeriac. When it's cooked, celeriac gets smoother. About a year ago I made Celeriac, Thyme & Hazelnut Fusilli, in which celeriac was cooked and pureed to play a role of pasta sauce. This time celeriac was cubed, cooked and mixed in risotto with chicken breath. While chicken was very tender, celeriac cubes provided a nice bite. I liked the contrast. J asked me if celeriac was undercooked, though. Maybe it was too chunky for him. I would diced them smaller next time. Yes, there will be next. I was really fond of the dish!

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