Budapest, Hungary 6

Day 6 was our departure day. We had enough time for our last walk in the morning before leaving to the airport. When it comes to the view of Budapest, the Danube came to mind first. We went to the river one last time, passing through the Elizabeth Square. 

The Newspaper thrower boy was the last minute addition to my statue findings. 

Good morning, the Danube! We strolled on the Széchenyi Chain Bridge and admired the great view of the river and the landmarks on the riverbanks.

We also have time for breakfast. We revisited Artizán Bakery. The place was as busy as the last time with endless visitors who looked like morning commuters. If the bakery was on my way to work, I would stop by everyday.

I chose a cardamon bun this time. J got a jalapeño roll. We also ordered freshly squeezed orange juice for me and a tiny cup of espresso for J. We bought a bread loaf to take home with us, too. When I saw this photo, I wondered why I didn't take one of the custard cream pastries home with me.  

We didn't have the breakfast treats in the bakery this time. Instead we enjoyed them at the bench outside  near the Liberty Square and appreciated the fresh morning air.

St. Stephen's Basilica was on our way back to the hotel. The day was just starting. It looked like another sunny day.  

Staying five nights in Budapest gave us a plenty of time to explore the city at our own pace. Fortunately the weather was great all the time. Budapest was not too small or too big, an ideally walkable city with a lot of nice cafe and restaurant options. Certainly we walked a lot and ate very well. We saved some places and foods we didn't see or try this time for the future. Until then, Viszontlátásra, Budapest! 

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