Layered potatoes (rakott krumpli) - Taste of Hungary @ Home 2

Our second 'Taste of Hungary at Home' project was to make Layered Potatoes, or rakott krumpli. It's like a Hungarian version of potato gratin, layering slices of potato, slices of hard boiled egg, slices of smoked paprika sausages, and a mix of cheese and sour cream, topped with cheese. I adapted a recipe that I found online and made some changes as usual. The recipe called for 3 cups of sour cream. In Germany 'Saure Sahne' and 'Schmad' are products that are translated into 'sour cream' in English. The former had with 10% milkfat and the latter is 24% with milkfat. Traditional Hungarian sour cream, Tejföl is with more than 16% but less than 20% milkfat. Perhaps, the recipe, which is written in English, might refer to American sour cream, which is with no less than 18% milkfat. When I image-googled rakott krumpli, the cheese-sour cream sauce didn't look runny. On the other hand, 3 cups of Schmad sounded too heavy. At the end I mixed Saure Sahne and Schmad, about 1:2 ratio. The cheese was also tricky. The recipe called for a mild Trappist-style cheese. I guessed it would be difficult to find Hungarian Trappist-style cheese but probably I will be able to get French one, like Port-du-Salut here in Wiesbaden. I was wrong. I couldn't find Port-du-Salut, so I ended up with mild gouda. 

Anyway, the result was pretty good! We didn't have a chance to try the dish while we were in Budapest and I don't know what it should taste like, but based on the ingredients and preparation, the dish shouldn't be too complicated. The smoked paprika sausage that we brought from Budapest was a little spicy for me but added a very nice flavor to the dish. Actually the ingredients looked like breakfast staples. We had this dish as a dinner but it could be nice for breakfast or brunch. Next time I would try to use only Saure Sahne for lighter and healthier output.

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