Pasta Shells Stuffed with Fresh Ricotta

This was Pasta Shells Stuffed Fresh Ricotta Cheese.

Actually the stuffing was not only fresh ricotta but also low-fat shredded mozzarella and freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano along with black pepper and Penzeys' Green Goddness - salt-free salad dressing, "somewhat like a mild, sweet, herb-filled creamy Italian heavy on the basil and dill." Tomato sauce was simple homemade Marinara. And more cheese on top! 
This dish was J's idea. Based on a recipe written on the Pasta Shell box, we created something close to J's imagination. Although it looked heavy with cheese, the dish was actually light. The ricotta stuffing was creamy; the shells were just Al-dente; the tomato sauce was adequately spiced; and we got the crispy cheese top. We can't ask more than that.

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