Wild Rice Pilaff

I don't think I have ever eaten wild rice in Japan. I became fond of the texture of wild rice.

This was lovely nutty wild rice pilaff whose recipe was adapted from RISOTTO by Christine Ingram.

1 cup wild rice
1/2 tsp salt
1/2  chipped onion
1 cup long grain rice
1/2 cup toasted sliced almonds
1/2 cup golden raisins
2 tbs chopped parsley

1. Cook wild rice in salted boiled water, about 45 min
2. Saute onion and long grain rice and simmer them in chicken stock, about 30 min
3. Mix both rice, golden raisins, sliced almonds, and chopped parsley. Adjust taste with ground black pepper.

That's it!

For arugula salad, I experimented with a new carrot-onion salad dressing...well, it was good. although fresh onion's unpleasant taste lingered sooooooo long. I should soak sliced onion in ice water for a while before making it puree next time.

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