Coconut Macaroons w/Pineapple

As weekend treats, I made David Lebovitz's Pinapple-Coconut Macaroons. I was looking for a chance to make them since I read his recipe on his blog a few months ago. We have been enjoying Jennies Coconut Macaroons. Why not make one by myself?

I basically followed his recipe except sugar. I reduced sugar by half and used Japanese cane sugar, which turned out to the sweet level that I like. Making the pyramid shape was a tough but fun part. I am a person who can not make Tawara-shaped Onigiri (rice ball) or Koban-shaped Coroquette (potato ball). Rather, just a round ball. At least I tried to create a pointy top as seen.

These macaroons are pretty good! Although Monsieur Lebovitz said "these cookies are best served the day they’re made, since over time, they’ll lose their slightly crunchy crusts", J seems to like less-crunchy outside, so he will enjoy them more after today.

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