Fortnum & Mason's from Santa J

Santa J surprised me as always. On Christmas Day I found a box of marvelous colorful marzipan fruits and Christmas charms. How adorable they were! I can't make up my mind which one to choose. Maybe one in a Christmas pudding shape.

A beautiful box of Rose & Violet Creams was another surprise. "Cream" in this case is soft fondant, which I hadn't known until I tried one. Rich floral flavors bloomed in the mouth. Living in the box would be a paradise if I were a little bee. 

There was one more surprise. Pecan & Ginger Biscuits in a Christmas colored, exotic designed tall tin. The biscuits were nicely crunchy and buttery with just a right amount of pecan and ginger. They were pleasant friends of tea.

A real surprise was that those were Fortnum & Mason's. Santa J brought back our wonderful memories from our London trip right after Christmas two years ago when we visited Fortnum & Mason together. How sweet! Thank you so much Santa J!

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