Thanksgiving 2020


Last week we had our first Thanksgiving day at home in England! The dinner was turkey! Yes, we followed to tradition. However, we cooked it in non-traditional way: turkey chili. Moreover, according to J's request, the chili was elevated to Turkey Chili Mac and Cheese! 

In fact, I don't think that I had bought ground turkey before. This could be the first purchase of ground turkey in my life. Turkey has never been my favorite while I was in the States. Surprisingly the ground turkey from Waitrose didn't taste like turkey I knew and didn't like. Of course, chili spices were strong and could hide turkey, but it was very lean and light. Maybe I should try ground turkey to cook a Japanese dish that called for ground chicken since ground chicken is usually unavailable in the UK. Like British chicken, I might became a fan of British turkey. 

For desserts, we had a couple of cakes that we bought at Baltzersens bakery a few days ago. One was Tosca cake and the other was Sticky Ginger cake. We shared them. Both were tasty while my favorite was Tosca cake! The almond sponge was delicate and melt-in-mouth and the gooey caramelized almond top was heavenly. We had Tosca cake before but it was a slice cut from a whole cake and kinda dry. I think this individual muffin cup keeps the cake moist and hold the gooey part very well. 

We had a happy Thanksgiving together! Now the holiday season has officially begun, Ho-Ho!!

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