Baked Wolffish, Shrimps & Scallops in Foil

This was baked wolf fish, shrimps and scallops in foil!

Not so long time ago, we made this kind of dish with halibut, which was great. So we thought we would make it again, and went to Wegmans to get fish. There were some kinds of white-fleshed fish like cod, halibut, monkfish, etc. Then, a fishmonger told us they had wolffish that tastes similar to cod. The whole wolffish was displayed on the ice bed along with some packages of fillet. It apparently is a kind of fish living in deep waters. Its face with some long teeth sticking out looked scary, but that doesn't mean it won't be tasty, right? We are curious people after all. We came back home with two packages of wolffish fillet.
We seasoned the fish, shrimps and scallops as usual with Sake, soy sauce, black pepper, Espelette pepper, slices of lemon, shallots, fresh dill and tarragon. J also added some capers this time. Fold and bake about 20 minutes in the 400 F oven. The fish tasted light and clean. We liked it. Glad we didn't judge the fish with its face.

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