Marzipan Kaffeeschnitten

These were Marzipan Kaffeeschnitten.

I don't know the exact meaning of the name but I could describe them as soft cookies made with marzipan for the top and simple shortbread for the bottom, filled with raspberry jam. I bought a German baking recipe book written by a German-Japanese woman who used to live in Germany and learned how to bake from her German grandma. The recipe for these cookies were the first recipe from the book I tried.
I made marzipan from a scratch by myself but used commercial raspberry jam. First I was't sure if I liked the cookies. I tasted a kind of doughy and less flavor. However the next day of the baking somehow I tasted them better and became to see their charm. By the third day I was a fan of Marzipan Kaffeeschnitten.

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