Baked Pumpkin Spice Doughnuts with Chocolate Glaze

These were baked pumpkin spice doughnuts with chocolate glaze.

Baked doughnuts were a baking domain where I haven't been. Now I am stepped in there! As a beginner of baked doughnuts, I bought a box of doughnut mix from King Arther Flour. They had several flavors. Out of them, pumpkin spice sounded interesting and it was on sale!
According to the behind of the box, I stirred the mix with 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup of vegetable oil and two eggs and poured into my latest baking tool, baked doughnut pan that I also bought from KAF.
Baking time was tricky. My doughnuts took about 10 minutes more than the box said to reach "tops spring back when touched." I hoped I didn't anything wrong.
J helped taking the doughnuts gently out from the pan. They looked very cute! Just like doughnuts.
It was J's idea to decorate the doughnuts with chocolate glaze. I melted semi-sweet chocolate with a little bit of butter, a tiny bit of heavy cream and a hint of vanilla. We both enjoyed dipping doughnuts in chocolate. What a fun work!
We liked our first baked doughnuts very much. They were light, kinda caky, somehow different from conventional fried ones, and much better than national chain-brand ones!
The chocolate glaze brought the doughnuts up to higher-level of the enjoyment indeed. Thank you J for the great idea!
Shall we have one more?

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