Shakshuka, again

This was Shakshuka, again!

It was a dish that we specially matched with our homemade large sourdough bread. To make Shakshuka, I needed five fresh ripen tomatoes or canned whole tomatoes, about 800 g; and two large red bell peppers. Since J was running an errand on the day, I asked him to get those ingredients if he could. Yes, he did. He came back with close to 2,000 g of fresh ripen tomatoes, and large, well, or rather, gigantic red bell peppers! I couldn't help but laugh at their ridiculous size. J's shopping mission was more than successful.
I didn't remember how long it has taken to chop tomatoes and bell peppers last time. It took about 1 hour this time. The rest of the process was very quick and easy!
We liked this Shakshuka very much. So tasty! I think I cooked eggs better than last time. The biggest discover was our sourdough bread was truly a great match for Shakshuka!

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