Meatless Meatball Subs

These were meatless meatball subs.

It was a wonderful way to enjoy our homemade hot dog buns with soft buttery top crust! I followed our favorite recipe of mushroom-based meatless meatballs as usual.
Meatless meatballs were simmered in marinara sauce for about 1 hour.
How should we load meatless meatballs and other toppings on the small hot dog buns neatly? J came up with a genius engineering design. Let's call it a V method.  
Along with meatless meatballs and marinara sauce, we added lightly sautéed onion and green pepper.
And sliced provolone cheese.
Melt cheese under the oven broiler quickly.
J's V method worked magnificently! Everything securely fitted in the little buns.
The subs were very tasty! We were so happy with our creation.

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