Mini Fruit Pies from Grand Traverse Pie Company

This was mini Michigan ABC pie, one of three mini fruit pies from Grand Traverse Pie Company.

We bought a set of mini pies from our new favorite pie shop along with the delicious strawberry rhubarb pie for Mother's day celebration. Michigan ABC pie was the first pie that we bought from the shop last Thanksgiving. It was so delicious! This mini version was as wonderful as the standard size. The combination of apple, blueberry, and cherry is clearly a winner! A little "mitten" on the top came with the mini pie as well. I like such a cute charm.
Another mini pie of the set we choose was Opera House Blueberry Peach. BP. Blueberry and peach sounds lovely, doesn't it?
It was definitely lovely! The pie was packed with large peach slices and blueberries. The top pie layer was delicately thin. Much lighter than rich buttery crumbles like those on Michigan ABC.  
Both pies were great! We still have one more in the freezer. I am sure it won't take too long until we defrost it.

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