Applesauce Ginger Cake with Maple Glaze

This was Applesauce Ginger Cake with Maple Glaze.

I adapted a recipe from a blog called FatFree Vegan Kitchen, which posts wonderful Vegan recipes like this one! There were a few changes I made, including using only 1/2 light brown sugar for1 cup sugar, adding 2 1/2 cup non-sugar-added apple sauce for 2 1/4 cup apple sauce, and adding extra ginger powder and candies ginger.
The cake was absolutely delightful. I was convinced you don't need any egg or butter/oil to get that lovely moist crumbs.
Without Maple Glaze, the cake was very tasty but it was a sweet bonus along with a little of candies ginger bits because I made the cake just slightly sweet by reducing a large amount of sugar from the original recipe.

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