
These were Madeleines, French buttery lemony little pastries somewhere between cookies and cake.

They are easy to be made with simple ingredients and steps, but not so easy to achieve my goals: golden crust, moist but light inside, and a huge "bellybutton."

Although I have already found a good recipe for my dream Madeleines, I would like to try a new recipe to find a better. This time I followed a recipe from a recipe book of Ladurée, a world-famous macaron pâtisserie. A recipe from a French high-end bakery sounded promising. And a gorgeous picture of Madeleines in the book successfully convinced me.

The results was well, OK in terms of taste. The texture was acceptable. But the bellybuttons were not impressed. Of course, it could not because of the recipe but me. At least these Madeleines reminded me they are not simple at all.

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