
These were Hina-gashi.

A day before, March 3rd was Hina-matsuri day in Japan. On the day of every year each household that has a young daughter(s) wishes good health and future happiness for the girls. Somehow in English the day is called Doll Festival day. Yes, we decorate a set of ancient Japanese prince and princess dolls, including foods like Mochi, cups for Sake (particularly, sweet White Sake), a set of paper lamps, a set of vases for peach blossoms, miniature furniture and palanquin, and so on. My grandparents bought a gorgeous set of those for my sister and me and decorated them around this time every year when we were children. We would have a special dinner on the day, usually sushi rice with various toppings and a soup with a clam. For dessert, we used to enjoy cake, like sponge cake with whipped cream and fresh strawberry, and Hina-gashi, or little cute colorful candies just like what my parents just sent us recently. They were so adorable and reminded me of old Hina-matsuri days with my sweet family in Japan, a country that has a fascinating culture built through thousands of years.

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