Over-Popped Popovers

These were Over-popped popovers.

We have been enjoying homemade popovers. My popover pan has been a wonderful gift from J! A problem was the pan couldn't hold the whole batter made from a package of King Arthur Flour's popover mix. I usually made 6 popovers with the pan and three with a muffin pan. However, the muffin pan was shallow and the three popovers were burned by the time the six in the popover pan were done. I couldn't rescue the three because of a popover rule - don't open the oven; otherwise, they won't pop well. Buying another popover pan solved the problem. Now I have two pans and bake all popovers evenly without any waste of batter. This was my first time to use two popover pans and made eight popovers.
I don't know what happened. Many of them were over-popped! I thought I poured batter to about half a cup each, but I might have done more than half. Next time I will try to divide batter into nine or ten to make cute balloon-like popovers, avoiding those bizarre long ones. A good thing was they tasted fine even they looked funny!

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