Rice Paradise - Japan 2016

There was no day that I didn't eat rice during my stay in Japan.

My mother cooked Kuri-gohan, or rice with chestnuts. My favorite! The combination of simple steamed rice; Tamago-yaki, or a Japanese rolled omelette; and Miso soup for breakfast was very traditional.

Healthy mixed grain rice, or Zakkokumai with Miso soup and fermented soybeans, or Natto together made a power breakfast!
Seasoned steamed rice with chicken, mushrooms, and carrots, which my mother cut in Japanese maple (Momiji) leaf shape, was the main dish for dinner. Miso soup was a perfect side dish.
Sprinkling dried mixed seasoning, or Furikake over rice was a little trick to make simple steamed rice special. The Furikake was the mixture of several kinds of dried fish and seaweeds. So good! Next time when I go back to Japan, perhaps I should bring the kind of Furikake here. J would like it, maybe?
Of course, sushi's foundation is rice! I had Futomaki for lunch.
Also, I had Inari-sushi for another lunch. The Inari-sushi from a particular shop in the local department store has been my best Inari-sushi for years.
It seemed I asked my mother to make the same dishes whenever I come back to Japan these days, for example, Oyako-Dombri - chicken and egg rice bowl simmered with soy-sauce based sweet savory sauce along with onion and Shiitake-mushroom, garnished with Mitsuba, or Japanese wild parsley.
It's almost true that I am made of rice!

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