Gluten-Free Chocolate Brownies

These were Gluten-Free Chocolate Brownies.

I adapted a recipe by David Lebovitz. The recipe said brownies could be crumbly if you didn't beat the batter long enough at a certain stage. So I beat a lot and long. I thought so.

BUT my brownies ended up being crumbly even after fully cooled down... Maybe because I used only 6 oz very dark chocolate for 8 oz bittersweet/semisweet? and/or because I used only sugar in half? and/or simply didn't beat enough? Possibly!

J saved my day by saying "the flavor is good!" Thank you J! With extra dark chocolate, cocoa nibs, and chunky almonds and pecans, the crumbles were rich chocolaty and nutty. After all we enjoyed yummy brownies that required a spoon.

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