Chicken Kiev

A recipe for Chicken Kiev from Cook's Illustrated seemed easy to create Chicken Kiev that was oven-baked crispy outside and melting herb butter inside. In fact I adapted the recipe years ago and it was successful if my memory was correct. This time, I made four Chicken Kiev and baked two on Day 1 and the other two on Day 2. When I was pounding chicken breast and wrapping chilled herb butter with chicken, I already felt that butter would most likely leak during baking. Chicken breast was torn and didn't hide butter securely. On Day 1, one chicken made a butter leakage. The other was fine.
Day 2 was the same: one made it and the other didn't again. I think that I didn't butterfly chicken breast properly. Chicken without melting butter inside, which I ate on both days, tasted very good although I wanted to see an exciting moment of melting butter coming out when I cut the chicken, which J did on both days.

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