Bettys Christmas Treats

I quite often visit Bettys shop and the holiday season definitely increase the frequency. The adorable window works like a magnet on me... 

Whenever I see something new in the shop, it's my policy to try it. This time it was a small chocolate covered cake. There was no name tag in the showcase, so I pointed at the unknown chocolate cake to order. I also asked a lady at the shop what it is but I didn't quite understand what she said. Something orange... Anyway, I bought one to share. The receipt said a Yule log. That makes sense from its shape. It was very rich, chocolate-y. Yes, a hint of orange! 

I also bought a box of Miniature mince pies that was on my shopping list. I missed the mini collection last year. I was so happy to get it this year! They were smaller but filled properly and tasted so good! 16 pieces were quickly gone within a few days.

And a whole stollen, too! 

In addition of the classic loaf, Bettys offers stollen in other two forms - stollen bites and a slice. Actually I found the slice version just on my last visit to the shop. I bought one by following my policy. The decoration was nice but I think it was a bit too much to enjoy stollen itself. 

Bettys small Christmas pudding is in our cupboard and we will warm and enjoy it very soon. We are ready for Christmas pretty much!

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