Christmas Treats from Fortnum and Mason

Instead of visiting Fortnum and Mason in London this holiday season, we have placed online order for some Christmas treats. They have arrived here! We first met their Christmas Black Tea at London Heathrow Airport. We bought a tin for J's parents, and tried the tea while we visited them in the States. It was so good and we wanted to own ours. Here it is! The tea is bold, spicy, zesty, definitely festive! Perhaps this was my first tea that contains cocoa nibs. It takes milk very well. 

Their Chocolate Covered Rum Lebkuchen immediately has become my favorite. They were so delightful! By the way the box said "miniature" while one cube was quite big. However, there were only six in the box. I would like more! Actually there are a whisky version and a calvados version, too. I would LOVE to try them, too!

We can't have Christmas tea without proper biscuits, can we? I chose Christmas Biscuit Selection Tin. We had bought Piccadilly Biscuit Selection when we visited their London store during the holiday season three years ago. Not only the biscuits were good but also the tin box has been useful to store cookies or cakes. I wouldn't mind having another tin box. The Christmas Biscuit Selection Tin includes Merrilossus, fiery Pecan & Ginger Biscuits, gluten-free Nutcracker Biscuits and Fruit & Spice Biscuits. My favorite is Merrilossus - "a merry chocolate-covered medley of fruit, nuts and spice." I believe that's also J's favorite. We will have to nicely share the limited number of the particular biscuits.

I guess that Santa would appreciate a cookie plate like this along with a glass of milk!

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