Treats from Düsseldorf

Almost all treats from Düsseldorf were actually Japanese foods that were produced in Japan or made by Japanese bakery in Düsseldorf like An-pan. An-pan we bought at Japanese Bakery Taka were well-made and very delicious. I could eat their An-pan every morning. We had five An-pan and one Cream-pan (a Japanese pastry filled with custard cream). They are gone in an instant. 

The fluffy Japanese steamed sweet buns we picked up at a Japanese grocery store there were very nice, too. One was filled with Matcha flavored cream and the other was filled with banana flavored cream. 

I was so excited when I found Kagami-mochi at the Japanese grocery store and placed two in our shopping basket immediately. Kagami-mochi is a traditional Japanese New Year decoration. In Japan it's commonly decorated in the house until January 11th. We brought them back home right before that day, which was too late by Japanese standards. Well, we are in Germany and I will decorate them until when I enjoy the mochi!

Of course, there were non-Japanese treats for J. Düsseldorf's traditional beer, Altbier! We went to a liquor shop and picked several bottles by various breweries. Currently J has been tasting them one by one.

Probably we won't go to Düsseldorf only for grocery shopping, but if we have another chance to visit the city, I would definitely get some An-pan. An-pan, I miss you!

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