Potato Leek Gratin, again & Roasted Beet Salad

This was Potato Leek Gratin, again.

I followed the same New York Times recipe like the last time because I remember I liked the result. I used Comté cheese at that time while I used Gruyère this time. But it won't make a big difference.
This gratin was ok. Maybe I added more potato than the recipe called for, didn't cook long enough or both, I found some crunchy potatoes on my plate. After reheating the leftover for the next day, I still found some crunchiness. Maybe some potatoes naturally had such crunchy texture. On the other hand, J said his plate was fine. Mystery...

I also made roasted beet salad. I love beets matching with orange, so I made orange vinaigrette with fresh orange juice. Some chopped toasted pecan too.   
Then, J said something creamy would be perfect with beets. I could make his dream come true.
Ta-da! Fresh goat cheese!   

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