Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins

This was Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins.

Sweetened with Splenda (refined sugar-free!), mixed low-fat yogurt, egg white (yolk-free!), vegetable oil (butter-free!) and 1/2 cup of flax seeds, filled with Splenda-sweet cream cheese with apple brandy twist, and topped with fresh raspberry sound healthy and wonderful. Right?
But when J saw the muffins, he didn't make a "wow!" face. He, rather, associated the muffins with aliens. I forgot what he exactly said, but something like "alien colony." I guess he didn't offend me but it was clearly not a flattery. He pointed out weird raspberry's holes. Plus, I might have not reheated his muffins well. He thought cream cheese wasn't creamy and didn't like the texture of the muffins (only egg white with less oil made them tough?). Anyway my muffins heated in the toaster oven enough were fine and made cream cheese creamy. Sweet sour raspberries were a nice accent. Moreover I didn't visualize any alien invasion during my peaceful breakfast alone.

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