Cinnamon Swirl Raisin Bread

This was Cinnamon Swirl Raisin Bread.

How wonderful it was to wake up in the morning that we knew a couple of toasted slices of fluffy milky-sweet chewy bread with a lot of raisins and cinnamon everywhere were waiting for us.

I followed a recipe from Cook's Illustrated March/April 2012 issue. I halved the ingredients to make just one loaf although I used a whole egg to make things easier and reduced some powdered sugar for filling. I used a bread machine to make the dough and brushed the loaf with milk instead of egg mixture before baked.
I baked a loaf of the bread day before. Actually we had already eaten a few sliced during the evening of the day. The bread was still slightly warm and so good. We needed self-disciplines to save some for the next morning. Glad we made it!

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