Prosciutto, Basil, Mozzarella Focaccia Sandwitch

This was Prosciutto, Basil, Mozzarella Focaccia Sandwich.

I am growing a small indoor sweet basil plant. There were several big leaves ready to pick up. Here was an idea to use the fresh basil along with a few slices of leftover prosciutto.

First I baked Focaccia. I chose a recipe by Anne Burrell, posted on Food Network recipe site. The recipe earned five stars from 142 reviews so far. That's why I gave it a try. The recipe was for Focaccia for 8-10 people. We were not planning to throw a Italian dinner party, so I halved all of the ingredients. I also didn't sprinkle extra salt and drizzled extra oil over the dough. The recipe was very easy to follow. And the result was wonderful. It wasn't too crunchy or dry or oily.

The Focaccia had a perfect thickness to make a sandwich. I cut Focaccia, spread Olivier Napa Valley's Toasted Garlic and Herbs Mustard, placed a slice of Proscuitto, fresh basil leaves, and shredded Mozzarella cheese on bread and sprincked grated Parmigiano-Reggiano and black pepper.
Broiled a few minutes until the cheese melts, the sandwiches were ready to serve. They were delicious enough to let us made another set of the exactly same sandwich right after we finished them.

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