Appalachian Edie's Wine Jam

These were Appalachian Edie's wine jams.

We received them from J's parents that I believe they found at their neighborhood Farmer's market. The jams were wine jams, so they were made with wine. Also the wine was matched with fruits. One was Apricot Gewürztraminer - a German dessert wine, Gewürztraminer met apricots.
The other was Mixed berry merlot - Merlot wine met blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.
Both tasted like, yes, fruity wine! The jams were more like jelly. They were a little too sweet to eat directly by spoon. They were fine on toast, but to better appreciate their delicate texture and flavor, perhaps topping on something like panna cotta would make a sophisticated dessert. I visited Appalachian Edie's website, they suggested pairing Apricot Gewürztraminer with pork chop or baking pork loin as well as with cheese. Interesting! I will happily explore the unique jams' potential.

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