Breads Bakery's Chocolate Babka

This was Chocolate Babka from Breads Bakery, NY!

We still remember how lovely our trip to NY was and how the babka we got at the store and brought back home was wonderful. This time we didn't go to NY, but the babka came here! Hello again!
Mail order was convenience, but unfortunately, or actually fortunately, you can't get just one babka. Minimum three order was required. At least you can choose 3 chocolate or 3 cinnamon; or combo - 2 chocolate and 1 cinnamon, or 1 chocolate and 2 cinnamon. We picked 2 chocolate and 1 cinnamon. I think that was wise.
We had a chocolate babka first, which was great just as we remembered. Rich but somehow light, moist without chewy or gooey, and very chocolate-y with a perfect balance between dough and filling. It made a wonderful breakfast as well as teatime. I have stored the rest (1 chocolate and 1 cinnamon) in the freezer, but assume they won't be there for long!

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