Skillet Lemon Rosemary Chicken on Swiss Chard, Lentil & Wild Rice Bed

This was skillet lemon rosemary chicken on swiss chard, lentil and wild rice bed.

I am not a fan of chicken, but when I thought about what we could do with our garden rosemary, the first thing came up to mind was chicken, more precisely chicken thighs. I found a recipe of skillet lemon rosemary chicken by a great food blog, Simply Recipes, and adapted it without a doubt because the pictures on the recipe looked so good!  
The recipe was very easy to follow. I marinated chicken about half a day. I cooked just four chicken thighs, but didn't change any amount of other ingredients like garlic, lemon, and rosemary. I wanted my chicken to be maximum-seasoned.
In fact, the chicken was a side dish in my opinion. The main dish was the "bed" of chicken, and the star was swiss chard. I still had a lot of fresh beautiful swiss chard, but wasn't enough to make the whole bed only with swiss chard. So, I made up this bed by mixing swiss chard with lentil and wild rice. Onion and carrot were also in the bed. I added some white wine, a little bit of tomato paste, and vegan chicken soup, and then seasoned it with Penzey's Turkish seasoning.
Chicken with super crispy skin was nicely seasoned, juicy and tasty, and the green-grain-mixed bed was pretty good, too! With a good amount of the bed, just one thigh was satisfying per plate, so we repeated the exactly same dinner next day. We were happy with the dinner both days!

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