Shiitake Mushroom Rice & Miso Soup with Tofu & Broccoli

This was Shiitake mushroom rice and Miso soup with Tofu and broccoli.

To make this Japanese style steamed rice with Shiitake, so called "Kinoko-no-Takikomi-Gohan," simply place all ingredients - rice, Shiitake, carrot, water and seasonings like soy sauce, Sake and Mirin in the rice cooker and push the Start button. That's it! A rice cooker is a life saver for the Japanese. Because I was making a Japanese rice dish, I wanted to pair it with a Japanese side dish. Rice and Miso soup is meant to be together. Perhaps broccoli was an ingredient that you don't usually find in Miso soup, but I needed a green somewhere in the dinner.
The dinner was nice. The best part was it didn't include any oil. I felt very nice.

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