Bouchée with Raspberry Cream & Matcha Cream

These were bouchée with raspberry cream and Matcha (Japanese green tea) cream.

The origin of the sweets is apparently Japan. Although the name is in French, which means literally mouthful and can be small warm savory hors d'oeuvre, it seems that the Japanese sweet industry has named fluffy cakey cookie sandwiches with sweet cream as bouchée. In fact I have seen and eaten several kinds of bouchée in Japan.

I wanted to make something that is light and easily eaten by hand as a dessert after Fondue. Also wanted to let the dessert bring some spring colors at the table. After browsing Internet, I accidentally run into bouchée, of course, Japanese bouchée.
For the cookie part, I adapted a recipe that I found on Cookpad. For cream, I made up raspberry cream and Matcha cream.
They were cute and airy. And spring colors! Just as I wished.

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