Cornmeal-Fried Pork Chops & Potato-Leek Mustard Salad

This was cornmeal-fried pork chops and potato-leek mustard salad.

When I saw a recipe of cornmeal-fried pork chops on one of my favorite blogs, smitten kitchen recently, I thought J would like it. I was right. I rushed to a local grocery store in the rainy morning to get pork chops and butter milk so that I could soak pork chops in butter milk longer than 4 hours that is the minimum recommended time length. I got pork chops but didn't find butter milk. The store often disappoints me... Anyway, I came up a solution to mimic butter milk by mixing whole milk and yogurt. Pan-frying process gave me multi-tasks: frying pork chops both sides, timing it and keeping smoke alarm off with fanning around the smoke detector on the ceiling with a kitchen towel. After then, the entire house was completely pork-smoked, which we smelled at least next three days. However, all my efforts paid off because J liked the dish.
I made the potato-leek salad one day before. That became a terrific side dish of the pork chops. I adapted a recipe of fingerling potato salad by Bon appetite with several changes. The vinegary and mustardy salad was very nice and a good alternative with our usual mayo-based potato salad. The smitten kitchen's recipe coupled the pork chops with goat cheese-smashed potatoes, which also looked lovely and I would love to try next time.

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