Charred Cauliflower Quesadillas

These were charred cauliflower quesadillas.

It was another hot summer day. Steamy soup or stew or something baked in a oven didn't sound nice but I would still like a hot meal, not just a salad bowl. The recipe of charred cauliflower quesadilla on smitten kitchen was on the exactly right spot. A non-meat meal makes me happy. Cheese makes J happy. Win-win! The ingredients were simple. I couldn't find poblano chiles at a local grocery store, so I picked a medium-large light yellow mild hot chile pepper that didn't have a specific name. For cheese, I chose a commercial pack of shredded colby and monterey jack cheese instead of monterey jack cheese alone, which was convenience to find, buy and use.
The recipe was simple as well. I charred a chile pepper on a stove top, charred cauliflower on a cast iron skillet, mixed together in a bowl with scallion and lime juice, placed the filling and cheese between tortillas, and pan-fried both side. Flipping tortillas over was difficult. Some filling was trying to come out! I think that was because I bought larger tortillas than 6 inch that the recipe called for, and I filled a lot. Oops, I browned J's quesadillas too much. Sorry! Please enjoy extra crispiness...
We both liked these vegetable quesadillas so much! They were very tasty, light but satisfying. I will make them again sometime very soon.

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