Cappellini with Pesto Genovese of Basil Bouquet

This was Cappellini with Pesto Genovese of a basil bouquet.

I saw J getting off his car in front of the house and holding a big bouquet. What a surprise and how romantic! Are we going to celebrate something? Wait. It looked so green. It was a bouquet of basil. That was unpredictable and charming.
I learned that his friend kindly gave him the bouquet. Thanks a lot! What should we do with it? Of course, make Pesto Genovese. Our garden basil didn't grow well this year unfortunately. We made pesto from the garden only once this summer. The bouquet turned into a plenty of pesto that covered cooked Cappellini pasta for two generously. It tasted wonderful. The pleasant aroma of fresh basil brought us a bright summer day in September.

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