Gâteau au Chocolat

I was craving whipped cream. So, I decided to bake heavenly chocolate-y Gâteau au Chocolat, or chocolate cake. I have several recipes of chocolate cake. I adapted one of them, started measuring ingredients, and then I realized that I didn't have enough key ingredients: chocolate and cocoa powder. I wasn't going to a grocery store on the day. It was another freezing day. Still I would love to have whipped cream. So, what did I do? Whipped cream won; I put on a down jacket and run to a local grocery store.
The chocolate cake was absolutely delicious. I used Ghirardelli Chocolate Intense Dark 86 % Cacao Midnight Reverie. I am a big fan of dark chocolate! Whipped cream was served with the cake, of course. All efforts were for this moment.
This was J's cake.
This was mine. I was very satisfied indeed.

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